
* -1ne - now the skies could fall, not even if my boss should call._ the world, it seems so very small . . . cause nothing even matters . . . at all . . . _ you're part of my identity. i sometimes have the tendency . . . to look at you religiously, babe. cause nothing even matters . . to me.

* - 2wo - i think about the day i met . . . the perfect stranger: i think about us._ i think about the day i got wrapped . . . around your finger: i think about us._the sun was shinning on you . . . the lord was smiling on me . . . and love was calling us: i had my mind made up._i can't stop loving you . . . i can't help myself. and i can't get over you. no matter what i tell myself.

About me




that just further proved my previous assumptions that i can no longer tell anyfuckingbody anything. going to people to just listen to my thoughts is no longer an option. your dumbass comment has just confirmed my thoughts: i can't tell anybody anything because they either;

1] only care about their own problems
2] tell me to build a fucking bridge && get over it - - - but everything is not that easy, trust me
3] are complete assholes && don't derserve to be trusted in the first place.

telling me to get over "it" is really not a good idea IF YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT !
like WTFFF ? did i ever tell you to fucking get over you problems when you were stuck on him && couldn't get over it ?
because i KNOW it's not that easy && even though hearing his name every other minute is quite annoying, i wouldn't say "let the past be the past && get over it" because i'm a good friend. && i'd be there for you through whatever you were going through, whether you just needed me to listen or whatever. sure, there's a certain point where you need to let go, but with you having NO knowledge of what it is that i am going through, i'd really like for you to go sit the fuck down. it'd be totally different if i had ever actually talked to you about it.

no, don't think i'm bitching, because i'm not. i'm just fed up with the ignorance that surrounds me. i was just starting to calm down about the things that are happening with && around me, but this just heated me up even more.
this summer will be very good for me for that EXACT reason.
i don't want to lose any of my friends . . && this is exactly what i was afraid of:

another ignorant comment . . another bitchy response . . another friend lost.

i knew the bomb would go off soon.
time to let the fire sizzle down.

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