
* -1ne - now the skies could fall, not even if my boss should call._ the world, it seems so very small . . . cause nothing even matters . . . at all . . . _ you're part of my identity. i sometimes have the tendency . . . to look at you religiously, babe. cause nothing even matters . . to me.

* - 2wo - i think about the day i met . . . the perfect stranger: i think about us._ i think about the day i got wrapped . . . around your finger: i think about us._the sun was shinning on you . . . the lord was smiling on me . . . and love was calling us: i had my mind made up._i can't stop loving you . . . i can't help myself. and i can't get over you. no matter what i tell myself.

About me



people who only talk to you for one reason . . once they get their answer or whatever they leave like it's nothin.
or even those who talk you up just to find information . . they don't really care about you, they're doing it for their own selfish reasons.

dirtyasslookindudes that try to holla when they are NOWHERE NEAR your level.
they don't even have to be dirty . . just annoying as hell. if i said no once, i'll say no twice.

JOCKS ? i mean, DANG, can i get my personality back ?
i see a lot of people taking my YOU idea && other writing ideas i have . . ughh that really bothers me. i understand you like the idea, but really ? i just don't like being imitated in any form. writing is my only personal escape && when that's copied it just seriously bothers me. && then artist obsessions . . after one person goes crazy over an artist, usually undiscovered, i see other people adding shit to their myspaces like they've been fans for forever. seriously ? girl, BOO.

when you can't find a song on the internet or on limewire that you're DYING to add to your mp3 player ?
ughh. that's happening to me at this very moment.

when things aren't as simple as you wish they were OR when something you thought was simple turns into this big ball of confusion ?
just gotta accept the fact that life isn't like burger king; you can't ALWAYS have it how you want it, when you it, && just plain YOUR WAY.

that was my little iRant for the moment . . haven't really ranted in a while.

1 opinions were stated.:

Miss.$ugarDaddy said...

My thoughts exactly, but it especially irritates me when i'm dying for a song & can't find it...