
* -1ne - now the skies could fall, not even if my boss should call._ the world, it seems so very small . . . cause nothing even matters . . . at all . . . _ you're part of my identity. i sometimes have the tendency . . . to look at you religiously, babe. cause nothing even matters . . to me.

* - 2wo - i think about the day i met . . . the perfect stranger: i think about us._ i think about the day i got wrapped . . . around your finger: i think about us._the sun was shinning on you . . . the lord was smiling on me . . . and love was calling us: i had my mind made up._i can't stop loving you . . . i can't help myself. and i can't get over you. no matter what i tell myself.

About me



things i have learned as of lately.

1. don't stress what won't matter in the future because you just might miss out on something that could have been great.

- - - i've seen this happen once too many times this year . . to me && to other people. i hate that i worried so much about all of the small things because it really caused me to miss out on some things && people, && it would have been great to have had those experiences. i think that if i had just payed attention to what was happening then, things now would be much different . .

2. you have to learn to ACCEPT the flaws or just LET GO.

- - - you CANNOT change somebody, particularly somebody who does not want to be changed. it's just not gonna happen. there have been several instances where i have tried to accept people the way they were but they wouldn't accept me back. && that's when i decided, i just don't care.

3. relationships can be broken by the smallest things.

- - - this is so true. a few of my relationships this year that have been damaged are damaged, but for what reason ? it's like the smallest things build up . . && if you LET those things continue to build, they will become irreversible && you will be in a position that you never intended to be in.

4. you CANNOT help something or someone that/who does not want to be helped.

- - - this is pretty much the same as 'you cannot change something or somebody' . . you just can't. i don't wanna say that i've tried to change any of my friends this year . . but more of help them. if you're a position that i see is hurting you more than helping you, i'm gonna try to get you out of that position, but if you are reluctant to move with me, then i cannot help you. this one is hard to put into words, so i hope you all understood that.

5. you may be just plain jane in your own eyes, but i GUARANTEE you that there is somebody out there who thinks you're a pearl in a box of tainted jewlery.

- - - this one has been very true for me. it's hard for me to verbalize this . . really hard. but you know how something totally catches you offguard ? it's kinda like that . . . well, i never thought that i was like BAM! or stunning or anything like that y'kno ? but i realized that even though i don't, there is somebody out there who does . . && it's really nice to know that.

6. you can't please everybody.

- - - i'm not the type of person to go out of my way to be somebody's friend or make them happy. like, if we don't click then we just DON'T. this year i tried and tried to befriend somebody, but i realized that i just don't like this person like that. i emotionally CAN'T be friends with them because there is not a time when i am with them that this person does not get on my nerves ! . . . && don't get me wrong, i seriously TRIED . . all freakin school year, && failed each time. i still don't understand what's so great to love about this person . . && i probably never will. i mean, we can be acquaintances, but we have a long way until we are FRIENDS.

7. holding back is one of the biggest mistakes you can ever make.

- - - you know why ? because when you hold back what you so desperately need to say or what you are truly feeling, you hinder what the future could possibly present you with. i've held back a lot in my recent past . . . in a certain situation, had i not held back, an event that forever ruined trust with my "best friend" could have been avoided . . had i not held back, me and you may be in a different place today . . but what's done is done. it's just another lesson learned: never hold back.

8. some people are put into your life to teach you a lesson . . && others are there to stay.

- - - kinda like in that one tyler perry play, where he compares people to trees. some people are leaves, who leave you in seasons. some people are the branches, who thin through time. && others are the stem that stick with you through everything. i think i have realized who my bark && stems are . . also, in the words of Kelly: there's a distinct line between bitches and friends.

i might add on to this later.
but right now, this is all that comes to mind.

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