
* -1ne - now the skies could fall, not even if my boss should call._ the world, it seems so very small . . . cause nothing even matters . . . at all . . . _ you're part of my identity. i sometimes have the tendency . . . to look at you religiously, babe. cause nothing even matters . . to me.

* - 2wo - i think about the day i met . . . the perfect stranger: i think about us._ i think about the day i got wrapped . . . around your finger: i think about us._the sun was shinning on you . . . the lord was smiling on me . . . and love was calling us: i had my mind made up._i can't stop loving you . . . i can't help myself. and i can't get over you. no matter what i tell myself.

About me

put sum positivity in ya life.


sooo lately, i've been pissed off and annoyed with people and the world in general. honestly, i really can't help it . . i'm not the type to sugarcoat many things or hold my tongue. i'll tell you how i feel, straight up && i usually don't feel bad about it.

but instead of ranting && dwelling on the bad, i've decided to try and list some of the good && the things that make me happy.

1] music.
- ahhh. music is thee PERFECT getaway. i can listen to music to escape sound, let my mind wander to whereever the song takes me, or just . . because ! ahhhh. it's just the perfect everything.
i even have my own little jukebox inside my head . . lmfao. ask my friends . . they think im crazy for it tho, but i can't help it.

2] laughing.
- i absolutely LUVV to laugh. if sumbody can make me laugh for good reasons then i kno that we can hang. i think that laughing is a GREAT way to relieve stress. i laugh alot. in fact, i'm the type of person to just start laughing outta the middle of nowhere, usually over sumthing that happened the day before, or maybe even a year ago. either way, a laugh is a laugh, so make me laugh sumtime, okayy ?

3] being out with my friends.
- whenever i'm out with my friends, i feel GOOD. i feel like nothing can go wrong && i kno that the night will be full of laughs [bc i luvv laughing, aha].

4] warm weather && sunny days.
- AHHH ! i cannot WAIT for it to get warmer outside ! cold && wet weather is rather annoying when it occurs ALL THE TIME ! like now, i'm in a GREAT mood because the sun is shining through my window like it hasn't in a very long time. ahhh, i just cannot wait for the summer time !; busch gardens, late nights, sleeping in ! omg, i can just feel it noww ! (:

5] strawberries.
- lolz, random, i knoo. but i do luvv strawberries. especially when they're sprinkled with sugar && chilled in the fridge for an hour or twoo . . YUMM.

6] family gatherings.
- i miss the good old days when my NC fam would always come up to VA for Christmas && Thanksgiving && everything. now it feels like i never get to see them. or how my aunt && cousin would come to Sunday dinner EVERY SINGLE SUNDAY . . they rarely do anymore. i also miss the days when my grandparents threw a backyard cookout EVERY summer . . i used to luvv those. [aww shucks, im getting sad]. but yeahh, they haven't done that in sum years && i wonder if they ever will again . . ANYWHOOO [bac on a happy note (:], family gatherings usually make me happy.

7] shopping.
- i luvv shopping ! i just luvv getting new stuff to wear pretty much. shopping = luvv.

8] my online friends.
- i also see this/them as a getaway method. it's like, with my online friends, it's a whole different world. i think of them just as i think of the friends i have in real life. i genuinely care for sum of them, && then there are the others that are just like everyday people that you pass by on the street. i've known sum of them for as long as like three or four years . . the ones that mean the most to me . . well i kinda lost contact with sum of them bc our virtual getaway closed down . . but the two [actually like three] that really matter the most to me ? we still keep in touch. && sumtimes it's strange because we get mad && argue just as couple of real life friends would do . . but usually we patch things up. in the future, i wouldn't mind actually meeting them; && hey, who knos ? we could all go to the same college or sum crazy ishh like that one day lolz. i hope they realize how much they mean to me, because if we ever just stopped talking && seriously lost contact idk what i'd do because they play a role in my life just like anybody else.
if they ever read this, well, ily guys (:

that's all that i can think of right now.
i'll probably think of more later, && if so, i'll post em up ! (:

3 opinions were stated.:

Lex. said...

i've been mucho sad too. maybe compiling a list would help. thanks for the idea.

- lexx

Durty Mo said...

Just stopping by to show much ♥!!

Thanks for following You Know You Dead Azz Wrong

iirockyoursocks28 said...

NO---Jada doesnt sugarcoat any damn thing.lOl.
But yeaaa, i feels you.

muchh of those things are getaways for me too.
&&ofcourse when your out with your friends[[especially me]] its the bestt :)

-deanna s.