
* -1ne - now the skies could fall, not even if my boss should call._ the world, it seems so very small . . . cause nothing even matters . . . at all . . . _ you're part of my identity. i sometimes have the tendency . . . to look at you religiously, babe. cause nothing even matters . . to me.

* - 2wo - i think about the day i met . . . the perfect stranger: i think about us._ i think about the day i got wrapped . . . around your finger: i think about us._the sun was shinning on you . . . the lord was smiling on me . . . and love was calling us: i had my mind made up._i can't stop loving you . . . i can't help myself. and i can't get over you. no matter what i tell myself.

About me

poetbychoice - writerat♥.


idk if you all know, but i LOVE to write. - - - well, DUH; that's why i blogg, stupidd.
i've been writing since i could read almost.
it's my passion.

i don't just write poetry && stuff.
i think i started out writing in a diary. that eventually flowed over to short stories meant for second graders, and then poetry.
now, i write just about everything; i have a continuous story that i add onto everytime i get a chance on [it's called The Irony In Love], i still write poetry every now and then, i'm beginning to write short stories, and i write about my feelings [i.e. this blog].

i think that i've become comfortable enough with this site to actually post some of my work soon.
i may, i may not.
we'll see. (:

ps; i'm thinking i should start a separate blog for my story, The Irony In Love ?
hmm, i might.
i'm just not sure if my audience will be as interested in it as those over at the-n are.

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