
* -1ne - now the skies could fall, not even if my boss should call._ the world, it seems so very small . . . cause nothing even matters . . . at all . . . _ you're part of my identity. i sometimes have the tendency . . . to look at you religiously, babe. cause nothing even matters . . to me.

* - 2wo - i think about the day i met . . . the perfect stranger: i think about us._ i think about the day i got wrapped . . . around your finger: i think about us._the sun was shinning on you . . . the lord was smiling on me . . . and love was calling us: i had my mind made up._i can't stop loving you . . . i can't help myself. and i can't get over you. no matter what i tell myself.

About me



ooo my jizza oo my jizza ooo my jizza !

just STOP !

i'm sooo SICK of people taking sides in stuff that they don't even know about !
in case you haven't already figured it out, i'm referring to the Chris Brown - Rihanna sitch.

sumbody tell me WHY people like to speak on stuff they don't know about ?
i mean, first of all;
there are SOO many freakin rumors goin around ! now, obviously, SUMBODY had to START the rumor in order for 24973953105031854 other people to have heard about it. this is truly SAD.
these are the things that i have heard of so far;

  • chris brown went psycho because he found out rihanna gave him herpes - - WRONG ! ; if that happened to be true [which it MOST LIKELY isn't], it's a WRAP for him in every way possible.
  • rihanna threw chris brown's keys outta the car and he snapped - - POSSIBLY true; i believe this to be true, but if so, there is MUCH more to the story.
  • rihanna went psycho on chris brown after reading a text message on his phone OR after he told her it was over and he proceeded to pick up another girl while rihanna was still in the car and that's when she snapped - - oooooo YES ! i always thought rihanna was one of them PSYCHO bxtches . . i think that any variation of this story could be true. afterall, most of the stories i have heard had sum sorta variation of this && they all make sense. but if chris really did pick up sum girl while he was with her then just . . WOW. childish.
  • rihanna swung the first punch - - hahaha. need a say more ? this right here ? is SOOO believable.
  • they got into a car accident, therefore all of rihanna's bruises aren't from chris, himmself. OR chris was trying to pull rihanna out of the car but she wouldn't leave && got her injuries from hitting the dashboard, etc. - - i truly believe this one right here. that makes alot of sense because chris brown really does NOT seem like the type of dude to go amazin hulk on ANYBODY, even with good reason. so this makes alotta sense. i mean, could you really believe that rihanna, being as tall as she is, would let a dude that is almost equivalent in size beat her without taking defense ? this brings me to the last rumor i will name . .
  • it was one on one ; they were BOTH hitting EACH OTHER - - this is probably the most accurate rumor of them all. like i just said, rihanna's tall [&& crazy] ass is not just gonna let chris brown swing at her without defending herself. really ? WHY would she not fight bac ? so if what i'm saying makes sense && is true, then WHY is chris getting all of the NEGATIVE media attention ? && why are double standards playing such a huge, but backseated, role in this ?
rihanna is getting the easy way out because of a DOUBLE STANDARD ?!
okay, see this ? PISSES ME OFF !
i have a question; why is it okay for a woman to hit a man but NEVER okay for a man to hit a woman ?
i understand that it is out of respect that a man never hits a woman, but there are times that you need to defend yourself.

, if a girl was comin at you wrong && then started HITTING you. && i don't mean hitting like playfully or weakly, but VIOLENTLY, would you NOT defend yourself ? COME ON NOW. you can't tell me that you wouldn't. && if you wouldn't it's probably BECAUSE of that stupid double standard.
i think that a man has every right to defend hisself if ANYBODY violently attacks him.

ladies, i kno you're probably like NO, a man should never hit a woman, but you aren't seeing all sides of the situation.
women of our country fought for the equal rights of WOMEN && MEN. so if this equality applies to EVERYTHING, then why are we putting ourselves on a pedestal ? why should it be okay for WOMEN to do something that men cannot do [&& vice versa] ? exactly, it SHOULDN'T be okay.

so really; WHY is rihanna getting all of the good media attention ? they will display all of these rumors, but not ONCE will they demean her but find EVERY reason to demean chris ? BEEE-ESSS !
just because chris is a MALE he gets negative attention thrown at him because . . OMG GET READDYYY FOR IT ! . . he HIT A WOMAN ! okay ? if it had been a FEMALE beating a MALE would it have been any different ? i think it would have . . this has EVERYTHING to do with the double standard of females being higher than a male physically.


okay, just because you "LOVE" chris brown means NOTHING AT ALL ! i luvv him too . . but that doesn't mean you should automatically take his side.
i've seen comments on blogs, websites, && even CHRIS BROWN && RIHANNA'S MYSPACES! saying "chris, you don't need that BITCH bringin you down !" or "WE KNO YOU DIDNT DO IT CHRIS !" or "RIHANNA YOU GOT SOME NERVE TO MAKE CHRIS SEEM LIKE A WOMANBEATER".
like WTF ? CHILL OUT ! you can't go bashin one or the other just because you "LOVE" them ! just like you can't take sides based on a double standard or what you 'heard'.

now see, i'm kinda siding with chris. && don't go giving me the hypocrisy speech because i have my reasons.

i could see a long time ago that sumthin wasn't all peaches && cream with rihanna . . && now i believe that even more. i think she has a side that only the people in her life have seen. && plus, why in the world would CB go off like that ? really ? there HAS to be more to the story. i just sense that there's sum error in rihanna's story. but i can't say anything right now because NOTHING has been clarified.

&& also . . chris brown supposedly issued a statement on his facebook saying that it was okay bc we will all soon see rihanna's dark side. && i believe i already have.

2 opinions were stated.:

Anonymous said...

this is so true..
a guy shouldn't just outright hit a woman, but if she is attacking him, he has the right to defend himself.
It is also stupid how people make up rumors just to add some fire to an already controversial story. I'm not saying that I am not guilty of believing this stuff, but what is the point of blatantly making stuff up? This only causes people to take sides without knowing all of the facts

Troke said...

that's right jizza!!! gosh terrible, i mean ppl act like they're not human...